Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Final End of Social Media

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” (I Corinthians 13:12)

Once again, I am going to spout off about technology, while I am using it to write this blog. We all have fallen in love with social media like Facebook and LinkedIn, and texting is all the rage. At last count, I have 321 friends on Facebook, and this blog is posted there, so I guess it is a good way to stay in touch with a lot of people at one time. But I just prefer the personal contact more than the mass media method. It amazes me how people can be sitting right next to each other and sending texts. I am not even a big fan of chatting it up on the telephone. I have so many irons in the fire and studies and “projects” going on at the same time that my mind tends to wander unless I am sitting face to face with the subject at hand. Of course, there is no telling what is going on between my ears. It races 190 miles per hour nonstop whether I want it to or not. They say you can sometimes ask a man, “What are you thinking about?” and he will say, “Oh, nothing” and he will actually be right. The only time I ever can honestly respond that way is when there is so much running around up there that I can’t sort it out enough to tell you.

Social media is a good thing because it keeps up connected to friends and family on a much larger scale than we could ever do without it. But it also has a downside. We get so enthralled with our “one eyed square headed friend” that social media often produces the exact opposite and actually makes people anti-social. Many people in the technology generation have gotten to the point where their entire lives are lived in a dark and dank basement sitting in their jammies staring at a computer screen, either with endless video games or in cyber relationships. What is presented on those sites is almost never what is real. People can make themselves to be anything they want in cyberspace, and by the time it gets verified, it is often too late.

Our relationship with the Lord is somewhat like that now. As the passage above says, right now, we see through a glass darkly. We have the truth of the word of God to tell us about our Lord, but we are confined to our tangible world and cannot see him. It is almost like we are stuck in the basement, viewing our relationship with our Lord through the lens of a “text message” called the Bible. Not only that, we feel as if we are often “standing in line” with thousands upon millions of others trying to get in to the throne of grace. I have 321 friends on Facebook. Imagine how many Jesus would have! John 15:13 says he laid down his life for his friends. Revelation 5:11 numbers the church age saints at “ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands” and many passages describe it as a multitude no man can number. If he tried to set up Facebook with that many friends, it would blow the system.

But the verse above continues with the truth that someday I will see him “face to face”. WOW! The notion of getting one-on-one “face time” with the God of the Universe is staggering, but then to think that it will be eternal and individual for each of us is even more impressive. What Jesus presents to us in his word is real. His “Facebook profile” contains 66 books that tell us all we could ever want to know about him. Yet we still can only scratch the surface. Revelation 22:4 says someday I will “see his face”. I John 3 says we will “see him as he is.” Unlike cyber profiles we have today that are “fluffed and puffed” with all sorts of untruth, God’s word tells us exactly like it is. In fact, when we finally do see him, the reality will so far exceed our finite understanding that we will fall on our face before him. I can’t wait!

Spend face time with those you love. Use technology as much as you can; it is a great tool even though I spit about it all the time. But always remember that one day very soon, our Lord will return, and our personal relationship with him will find its ultimate fulfillment.

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