Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rock of Ages

“Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29)

The purchase of an old building comes with some extra things that are required by our current state and local laws. Crest Bible Church had occupied its old “digs” for about 50 years, so most of the current regulations had been “grandfathered in” and not required. But when we bought the South Park Elementary School (built in 1947), a change of ownership and usage meant “Grandpa died”. Now we have to treat the building as if it was newly built today, and add the necessary items that the school board was not required to do as long as they were the “Grandpa”.

The biggest item on that list is the fire sprinkler system. The pipe work in the building is done, and now that the weather has broken slightly, we have to tie it in to the water main located on the other side of West 49th Terrace. A fire sprinkler is required to have its own dedicated line directly into the main, which means we have to dig under the street to tie in to the sprinkler. We have a bid from a contractor to do this work that is contingent upon not hitting rock as they bore under 49th Terrace. If they run into rock, it can be veryexpensive. So far, no one has given me any indication of even a ballpark figure of what that means. Since we are required by law to do this, we have no choice. We just have to pray that we don’t hit rock.

We are “between a rock and a hard place”; a point of no return where you just close your eyes and jump, trusting God. Quite often that is where he wants us. When we take matters into our own hands and try to work out every detail ourselves, God is not needed, and his power is not manifested in our lives. God refuses to operate that way. When we shut him out, he brings things into our lives to test our faith and remind us that we are dependent upon him at all times. I am concerned about the rock under West 49th Terrace. But I know who the Rock is. David said, “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust…” (Psalm 18:2) He is the one who “…brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” (Psalm 40:2) “He is the Rock, his work is perfect…” (Deut 32:4) When you find yourself in one of those times of life where it seems you have nowhere to turn, God is right there waiting.

But that same Rock of comfort can be a burden to those who refuse to trust him. Jesus is the, “…stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient.” (I Peter 2:8) One of the “famous” philosophical questions asked by ignorant skeptics is, “Can God make a rock so big that he cannot pick it up?” No matter how you answer that question, you limit God and rob his power and authority. They then snicker and giggle at the “ignorance” of believers who need the “crutch” of faith to sustain them. Well, if faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is a crutch, give me a wheelchair. Let me answer that question for you, Mr. Skeptic. YES. God made you. Your evil wicked heart of unbelief is a “rock” that God cannot move unless you allow him to do so by faith. The verse I quoted above in Jeremiah says that God’s word is like a hammer that breaks your heart of rock into pieces. Day by day, God is at work in your life whether you want him to be or not, chiseling away at your stony heart. Some day, “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (Philippians 2:9-11) Why not turn to him today? If you wait until then, it will be too late.

As we dig under the street, pray that God would “move the rock” so we can get on with the business of serving him. If he has moved your stony heart of rock and your faith is deposited in him, lean on the Rock of Ages every day and trust him.

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