“Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” (II Peter 3:13)
I got a notice in the mail the other day about a class action lawsuit that I guess I am a part of. One of the major insurance companies is the defendant. I won’t mention which company, but anyone who has not lived under a rock for the last century would know the name. This illustrates the absolute absurdity this world operates by. Without trying to go into a lot of detail, let me try my best to explain the verdict. Some guy got upset over some added fees the company charged. He thought they were “making too much profit” (an actual quote). So he got a team of buzzards and sued the company on all of our “behalf”. The company claimed it was a legitimate business practice, and it probably was, especially since millions of people paid it without a fuss. The company could have fought it, but rather than spend the money, they agreed to settle out of court. It would be much cheaper than fighting it for years and possibly losing anyway to a sympathetic judge or jury. So they set aside a fund of $455 million dollars. This fund will be distributed to everyone who had policies with this company over a ten year period, based on the premiums they paid. My rebate totals $7.60. Yes, that is right. I get a grand total of 7 bucks. I don’t know how much the idiot who sued gets. Maybe he had a lot more policies with this company, but he can’t be getting any more than $100 at the most. None of the other millions of policy holders will get more than $100 each either. The lawyers in the case get a lump sum settlement of $90 million dollars. You know for a fact that the company will not just lose that $455 million. They will just raise the rates of their millions of customers by a small amount to recover it – let’s say, oh, about $7.60 for me. So all of us will actually pay more for our insurance (and our gasoline and food as other companies pass on their rate hikes) while we get a tiny rebate check in the mail and beat our chests and pride ourselves in “sticking it to the man”. In the meantime, a bunch of lawyers ride off in the sunset with a cool $90 million. Makes us all proud to be an American, huh?
Corporate greed and abuse is very real, and we certainly need to be protected from it. But this is lunacy. If you feel a company is “making too much profit”, buy their stock. Don’t waste the time and energy of the rest of us just so you can make a bunch of lawyers rich at our expense.
The real solution for this insanity – and all other problems of mankind – is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to this earth. Jeremiah says, “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.” (Jeremiah 23:5) The world thinks that Bible believers are crazy, then they pull stunts like this. But there is coming a time very soon when God will have had enough of man’s sin, and will pull the plug on society and man’s dominion of the earth. At that time, true justice and judgment will be served. As Peter said above, righteousness will reign in the earth. Greed and fraud will be unknown. Jesus will rule with a rod of iron (Rev 19:15), and show mankind how it is supposed to be done. Until that time comes, just count on abuse, ignorance, greed, oppression, and sin ruling the day.
People see injustice and they try to find answers in lawsuits, causes, and government actions. Real justice is found in Jesus Christ and him alone. Speaking of justice, we all deserve a bed in hell because of our sin. The greatest injustice ever perpetrated in the history of the world took place in a crooked trial in the city of Jerusalem 2,000 years ago. A sinless man was arrested out of pure envy, and tried on trumped up charges. He was brutally murdered for no other reason than he loved people, did good, and preached the word of his Father in heaven. His sacrifice paid the debt for my sin, and yours also. Receive him today if you have never done so. If you have, tell others about his love for them. One day soon, he will return to administer true justice.
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