Saturday, October 1, 2011

You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

“Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.” (Matthew 23:24)

A few weeks back, I shared with you about a class action lawsuit I had been drug into, and how silly it was. That one is mild compared to this fiasco. I read in the paper the other day about a class action lawsuit filed against the Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation. Buckle your seat belt, hang on to your hat, put your tray table in its upright and locked position, and remove all sharp objects from your pockets. This one will fry your gizzards (and KFC doesn’t even sell gizzards).

KFC had offered an internet special. “For a limited time”, you could download a coupon for a discounted meal of their new “Kentucky Grilled Chicken”. I’ve tried their grilled chicken, and for fast food, it’s pretty good. Some guy had one of the coupons, and for whatever reason, could not get the advertised deal. Maybe they ran out of chicken, or the local KFC refused to honor the coupon, or some “fine print” prevented the deal. Who knows, and who cares. So the jack-wagon sued KFC on behalf of all those “similarly situated”. As is the case with most of these insane lawsuits, it is cheaper and easier for the company to settle out of court. So KFC set aside a few million dollars so that anyone who suffered “mental pain and anguish” for not getting something for nothing can get a free meal from KFC for up to a whopping grand total of $3.99 each. The lawyers ride off with half a million dollars, but by God, I can get 4 bucks of free food! On top of the free $3.99 meal, another part of the lawsuit is based on the man’s complaint that KFC did not disclose that the seasonings on their Kentucky Grilled Chicken contain meat by-products. Yes, you read that right. He is upset that the seasonings have some meat-based ingredients. Hello, Einstein. The whole “ding-dong” piece of chicken is MEAT!

So instead of opening new restaurants and providing construction and food service jobs, KFC has to pony up millions of dollars to appease some sick, twisted, depraved, whiny a--, cry baby moron to the tune of a free meal for 4 stinking dollars. I would say how I really feel, but God cleaned up my language. In the meantime, KFC will raise prices to cover this, their liability insurer will do the same and pass on their costs to other companies, and businesses will be less likely to expand and hire people because the added costs for stupidity like this will choke their ability to grow. Maybe Congress should look here for a way to stimulate the economy and provide jobs.

America is an insane asylum run by the inmates.

Jesus vented a similar frustration with the Pharisees in Matthew chapter 23. It is one of the most brutal chapters in the Bible, where he launched against a group of spiritually abusive leaders who were only interested in maintaining their own kingdom and power base. He used the expression of the gnat and the camel to illustrate their absurdity. These are people who “strain at a gnat”. They are worried about the tiniest little things, while the “elephant in the room” (a “camel” is more familiar to Middle Eastern culture) ends up choking them to death. The world is filled with these people, and the church has an even greater share of them. If some little nit-picking “jot and tittle” does not suit their personal fancy, they will make sure everyone in the church hears all about it, and they will stop at nothing until “justice” is served. In the meantime, the “elephant in the room” is ignored. The lost are alone in the world without hope and without God. They look to the church for answers, and we have our head in an anatomically impossible location over silly things that don’t matter a hill of beans. Do you think anyone in hell is concerned about a free meal of KFC Grilled Chicken? As a Christian, you have a “coupon” for heaven paid for by the most valuable asset in the Universe – the blood of Jesus Christ. You can run as many copies as you like. Share the good news of the Saviour with the lost, then take them to KFC and buy them lunch. Try the Grilled Chicken.

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