Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Missing...In Action

“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” (II Timothy 2:4)


It has actually been about two months since I have posted anything on this blog. Perhaps you have missed me, although that is a little self-serving to say. I get in these phases at times when the world seems to race by at warp speed, and I find myself gripping the edge, hair blowing behind me, feet and legs extended out at a 90 degree angle, knuckles white, and expecting any moment to be sucked into the vortex of oblivion. One of the biggest reasons this happens is because of my inability to utter one of the shortest words in the English language: “NO”. I always told my kids that those two letters were placed right next to each other in the middle of the alphabet for a reason, but then I refuse to apply it myself. I get behind the power curve where I can only attend to the immediate, and other things have to go “back burner” for a while. Such is the case over the last couple of months with this blog. There was a book written a while back that talked about what they termed “The tyranny of the urgent”. Sometimes we place ourselves there, and sometimes it is thrust upon us, but it seems we have a non-stop barrage of immediate issues. We have no time to work out ahead or deal with the bigger picture because right in front of our nose is something that is required in the next five minutes. I have lived there for about the last six months, but there seems to be a little lifting of the fog. Hopefully I can get back to some of the things I enjoy like this blog, and have a little better handle on things. I know… I’m dreaming!

There are a whole host of “alphabet soup” acronyms used in the military like MIA (missing in action) or POW (prisoner of war), and AWOL (absent without leave), and I am sure many dozens more I am not aware of. Having never been in the military, the lingo and jargon is unfamiliar. Every profession has its terminology. I have been “missing” over the last couple of months in this blog, but I can assure you it has been “in action”. Unfortunately, many of God’s people go “MIA” in the wrong way. I know way too many Christians who “used to go to church”, but life or circumstances took them away, and they never came back. They are missing from the spiritual battle, and they are totally inactive in their service for the one who died for their sins. They have defected to the other side. They are AWOL, because God never gives us leave to get out of the spiritual battle. Ecclesiastes 8:8 says “there is no discharge in that war”. Obviously, there are times of “liberty” or R&R where we as soldiers of the Lord go on family vacations or have hobbies, but there is never a time when we are to take a break from walking with him. Others are POW’s. We have an enemy who seeks to destroy us at every turn. He is not God, and not able to override God’s ultimate plans, but he is nonetheless very powerful and has perfected his craft over many centuries. Paul describes these people in II Timothy 2:26 as being “taken captive by him (Satan) at his will.” We can pray for them, and we can also send out teams to try to “recover them” as the verse says. These are believers who need to be reminded of the price that was paid on the cross for their sins, and then get back in the game.

There will be times when you just can’t do everything you want. In fact, that is most of life. But don’t ever be missing in action for your Lord. When the times come when things have to be put on hold, keep your daily walk intact. Time in the word and fellowship can never be sacrificed. Opportunities to share the gospel cannot be passed over. The good soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ knows how to enjoy life and participate in all of its blessings and even its fun. But he does not allow himself to get out of the game. Jesus is coming again very soon to reward his servants and judge his enemies. Stay in action so you receive a full reward.

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