“Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” (II Peter 3:13)
My phone is ringing off the hook with politicians calling for my vote. I am thinking about getting rid of my home phone because I continue to be bombarded by sales calls and political pitches and surveys, and they always come when I am in the bathroom or taking a nap or have my hands full of dishwater. I have registered on the national do-not-call list several times, yet the sales calls for time shares and alarm systems continue. Despite reporting them to the registry, they have the boldness and audacity to keep calling. I actually got my first political call on my cell phone today. The ad campaign will kick off in earnest very soon with television and radio saturated with the latest promises of utopia if you vote for me, and apocalypse if you vote for the other guy. When you get a Biblical perspective on man’s dominion of this earth, it changes your whole outlook on things such as this. We invest so much money and passion in our attempt to “make the world a better place to live”, and it just keeps getting worse with every passing day.
The Presidential candidates will spend hundreds of million dollars each to get an office that pays $400,000 per year. That does not sound like a very good business model. But to them, the power and prestige of the office is worth it, especially considering that they spend the donation money of other people. But there are cases when someone spends their own money for the campaign. I recall a case in California recently where some wealthy woman spent millions of her own dollars to run for Governor, and she still lost. That money would have never been recovered even if she won (unless I am missing something here – which maybe I am with all the graft and corruption an office like that can bring). The lure of power is a strange animal.
The only solution for the mess we have made of this world is Jesus. I think we should launch a write-in campaign for him this year. Of course, he is not here now, so even if he somehow won the election, we still would not see Jesus as President. Even that office is beneath him. I cannot imagine Jesus wanting to take such a lowly meaningless job as President of the United States. He was there on creation morning speaking the Universe into existence. One day very soon, Jesus is coming back to take all the kingdoms of the world. He will be crowned “King of kings and Lord of lords” then. Anyone in a position of power will be his servant. There will be no need to spend money to get an office, because he will appoint them based on character and service. There will be no personal benefit to political power because all graft and corruption will be stopped. Man will no longer be obsessed with trying to make the world better without Jesus, because he will be here to take care of it for us and show us how it is supposed to be done.
Probably the most amazing thing about this – at least to me – is that when you tell people about this, they rebel and reject the idea. I get it (because of man’s sin nature), but I really don’t get it. How could someone not be in favor of a world where righteousness reigns? How can anyone in their right mind look at the state of the world today and say we are making it better? During the upcoming political season leading to the election this November, pay attention to all the empty promises – from both sides – and consider the source. It is certainly valid to be informed and involved in the process. I will cast my vote, and I will watch the proceedings and take interest in the outcome. But don’t ever think that any one of these candidates will really solve anything of true significance. When Jesus splits the clouds and sits on the throne of his glory in Jerusalem, he will take care of the mess with the “sharp sword that goeth out of his mouth.” (Revelation 19:15) Until then, look for him to solve the individual problem of a soul in need of a Saviour. If he has done that for you, work on bringing another soul into his kingdom. If you can win just one soul to Christ, you will accomplish more good than a hundred politicians in a hundred lifetimes.
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